We are the Davis'

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Volleyball, July 4th and Kayonge

 The beginning of this week was a 2-day school holiday, so the Mumena B school hosted a sports tournament. This means the school building is a huge slumber party for 250+ kids. Yesterday, the tournament ended early, and the school teachers wanted Jason, Erin, Jeremy, the interns and I to play them in a game of volleyball. I was originally really excited about this idea, until I found out we were going to have to play with a soccer ball in place of an actual volleyball. We all suffered through the pain of using a soccer ball and played for two hours out on the school field. I really loved it, and we are scheduled for our next match this Saturday.

On Monday, our team celebrated the holiday by having an evening cook out. The 4th of July, being all about America, can make everyone a bit homesick so we ate lots of food, sang the national anthem and then lit corn cobs on fire that created the words "Happy Fourth!" Two girls that are working here in the peace core a few miles from us even came to celebrate. It was a great evening, even without hot dogs, fireworks and apple pie!

This past Sunday, Jeremy and I went to visit one of the main churches we work with named Kayonge. It was the best Sunday we have had there yet. Normally, Kayonge has been meeting in a school building. Their church building has been built of bricks for some years now, but still lacks a roof. This particular Sunday, the school where we meet was also having a sports day, so it forced us to use the roofless, lonely church building. As we sat on small stools, all huddled together, one of the church leaders began sharing some of the history of the Kayonge church and the hurt and abandonment the church members had been feeling. The two Zambian men who had started Kayonge church ended up leaving the church, giving out a terrible message, and therefore left only a small group of people remaining faithful to the Kayonge church. Most of this story we already knew, but this man couldn't help but get emotional because we were faced with once again meeting in this building that remained vacant and unfinished. Kayonge has been working to save money for iron sheets to build the roof, and they are so close to being ready. They will probably finish their church building next month-a huge victory!! Now, Kayonge consists of about five church leading men, four women and lots of children. One of the women is the wife to one of the church leaders who abandoned the church and his family. She was sitting in this church with us on Sunday, not knowing where her husband now lives. She is left with five children, one of which is not even one year old yet, but she remains faithful to the church. Jeremy and I were so touched and blessed by this small group of struggling Christians working to not give up their faith. Jeremy couldn't help but think of the story in Nehemiah of rebuilding the walls in Jerusalem and gave that message. He spoke of coming out of exile, not giving up and making the goal to rebuild. We left that morning feeling humbled and thankful for what the Lord had shown us through the Kayonge church that day.

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